Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Breaking News: SSPX One Step Closer to Full Communion

Today the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has "given its assent to a statement of doctrinal belief presented to it by the Vatican," although the understanding of future amendments has not been removed from the table.  For more info, follow this link.

This is HUGE news, friends.  The possibility of the SSPX coming into full communion with Rome is something that will change the face of Vatican and Traditionalist relations.

SSPX has for many been seen as the "via media" of the traditionalists groups, acknowledging the legitimacy of the papacy while rejecting Vatican II.  With their potential reconciliation will come a void in the traditionalist camp, while affording the Church with well-versed members in traditions and practices that have fallen by the wayside in many respects.

Although a great blessing, this merger will undoubtedly cause tension and division among SSPX members and even among "conciliar" clergy.  Let us pray that this inevitable step is a small one in this truly ecumenical and charitable act, on the part of the Vatican AND on the part of the Society of Pius X.

St. Pius X, pray for your sons and daughters, that they may be one.  Amen.

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