Saturday, July 9, 2011

Fr. Cory Douglas Stanley

Yesterday, the archdiocese of Oklahoma City celebrated the ordination of Fr. Cory Stanley to the order of the priesthood.  It was such a wonderful occasion, with a full cathedral.  Permanent deacons, seminarians, diocesan and religious priests, Knights of Columbus, Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepulcher, three bishops and a large contingent of family and friends filled the church to the rafters.  It was indeed a sight to behold.

I had the opportunity to serve for the ordination.  Working with my Diocesan Brothers and seeing in such a tangible way what I am seeking to attain gave me much needed courage to persevere in my studies and preparation.

Almighty God, through Whom all things have been made, and Who has redeemed us by the Precious Body and Blood of Your Beloved Son, You have called your son Corey to share in the priesthood of Christ in a special and specific way. 

Give him the grace of perseverance in his ministry, and utilize him as an instrument of Your Divine Love.  May he realize everyday the awesome gift he has been given, and may he share his awe and his love for You with every life his touches.  May he see You in every person to whom he ministers, and may he be made to love You, through them, more and more.  

We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Aaron. Anticipating that day of blessing for you.
