Monday, September 19, 2011

Let It Shine

"No one who lights a lamp conceals it with a vessel
or sets it under a bed;
rather, he places it on a lamp-stand
so that those who enter may see the light.
For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible,
and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.
Take care, then, how you hear.
To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not,
even what he seems to have will be taken away."

-- Luke 18:16-18

Today's Gospel has given me much food for thought. It reminds me of a song my mother taught me for Sunday School. I'm sure you know it: "This Little Light of Mine." -- a Christian classic, really. This Gospel calls us to share the Word we have received; to not be ashamed of the truth that exudes like rays of light from the lamp of our baptism. It reminds us that we are the stewards of a thing we could not have possessed without God's providence and mercy. This Fire of God that shines from the wick of our re-creation demands that it be allowed to shine forth unencumbered.

But have you ever noticed that fire consumes? Moment by moment, inch by inch, the light that acts as guide to our way eats at the fuel of our lives. It demands all, even unto extinguishment. It shines in the darkness of our souls; it leaves nothing hidden or secret. It makes all things known and asks for nothing less than what we hold most dear to us aside from God, namely, our sin. The light of God exalts by humiliating us; it makes us rich by depriving us of everything; it brings us to eternal life by killing us.

Often times, we think that, as Christians, all we have to "do" is live a good life. As long as we don't get into trouble; as long as we cross our t's and dot our i's in the realm of morality, we will satisfy the requirements of disciple of Christ. We have been given so much in our faith... And yet the way in which we regard this gift is with such abject poverty of soul. In this, we have nothing, and even what we seem to have is taken from us without so much as a whimper.

The only way to reclaim what we have lost is to let the Fire of God consume us; let it purge us, humble us, deprive us; let it kill us. Let the oil of sin in our life's lamp not be thrown out so that it can simply be replaced by more sin. Let the sin be consumed by the refining fire of God's Grace. Through acceptance of our call to be completely emptied of self, we can be rid of the sin that corrupts us. Through our kenosis of sin through the consummation of the fire of God's Word, we can ever be rich in soul. Eternal Life can only be had through death of self, and so I say, let us receive God's merciful execution, His loving purgation, His caressing flame. This Light of God's that yearns to set us free from our bondage of sin... Let it shine.

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