Sunday, August 17, 2014

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2014

(The following is a homily given on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM, Aug. 15th, 2017)

Today, we witness the glorious Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; the woman clothed with the sunhas gone to take her place among the company of saints right next to her child and her Lord.   

Arrayed in dazzling splendor, this humble daughter of David is crowned with glory, to live forever in the radiance of Almighty God.


She knew of the plight of her people, that death had taken hold of mankind due to Adam’s choice to turn away from God in the Garden of Eden. 

Yet she also knew that “just as in Adam all die, so too in Christ shall all be brought to life, 


This truth she cherished in her heart;

this truth she held, loved, and cared for as a mother;

this truth she watched suffer, die, be buried, and rise again. 


In the end, her spirit rejoiced in this truth, because it was her God, her child, and her Love. 

And she let nothing cloud this crystal clear vision of what she was called to from the very beginning.


Many in our culture today do not see the importance of Mary in God’s plan of Salvation. 

Some are even afraid that to honor her is to deify her, making her an appendage of the Trinity. 

What they fail to realize, is that Mary was just as frail, just as weak, just as in need of redemption as we are. 

The difference between her and us, was that she never said “no” to God. 

She heard the call of her Lord to be his handmaid, to be done with according to His Word, not hers. 

She believed in the saving power of God within her, and so rightly proclaimed how blessed she was, because God had looked upon her with favor. 


The Church looks to her as an example of holiness, not because she was superhuman, but exactly the opposite:

she exemplifies what is means to be fully human, that is, intimately united with our God and Creator.


Her faith made her whole; her hope made her courageous; and her love makes her, for us, the best friend in the Communion of Saints that we have. 

She is there for us, our Perpetual Help throughout the storms of this life. 

She sees in each of us her Son, and so holds back nothing in her prayers for us.


Today, we as a Church thank her for proclaiming the greatness of the Lord to us in her willingness to be the Mother of God, and so our own mother. 

We thank her, and we ask her today to pray for us, now and until the hour we leave this world,

to be joined with our brothers and sisters who have gone before us in the sign of faith and

who themselves rejoice in the merciful and loving embrace of our Lord and our God, Jesus Christ.

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